
4 Ballet Lesson Tips for Parents and Children

Joining a ballet class can be quite an exciting prospect for your child (and you) but it can also bring with it a little anxiety. After all, it is a new thing for all concerned but once the initial butterflies disappear, things will settle down and eventually pick up. It is normal to want the best for your child and you can help her/him settle down by getting involved with positive encouragement.

Be prepared for some hard work though, but with patience and perseverance, you and your child will be rewarded with success. Let’s take a look at this simple guide on ballet.

1. Proper Attire

Make sure to be attired properly as you are getting ready for ballet class. Proper attire and appearance are important in ballet. This will show discipline on your child’s part but also shows that they are serious in wanting to learn everything right from the very basics. Looking good and being properly attired will also make your child feel good, giving them that extra bit of confidence and so, they will want to perform better. Flexibility is important in ballet, but so is attitude. Having the right or positive attitude is just as important.

When learning to dance, functional clothing is a must. However, don’t go rushing out (just yet) to go and get all kinds ballet clothing. Go with the basic stuff first and see where it leads you. Sometimes, you may need something special or something in particular and if that is the case, then you can get them on an ‘as needed’ basis. If you go out and get a bunch of clothes, you might end up with clothing that is not needed and they may remain unused because you jumped the gun.

2. Shoes

When it comes to ballet shoes, girls will normally wear pink ballet slippers while the boys will need either black or white slippers. It is important that these slippers fit properly, in other words, nice and snug, but not too tight and uncomfortable. It is important that the toes are able to move around. The shoes can be a little larger than what your child normally wears, perhaps by half a size, as this allows for growth. However, anything more than that is not advisable. Leather shoes are more expensive but there are canvas shoes as well. The most important thing is not what they are made of but how they fit and feel. Canvas shoes, in addition to being more affordable are also easier to clean.

3. Hair

Girls with longer hair should be pulled back and made into a bun. You can try the classic ballerina bun but the main thing is that it is functional. As for boys with longer hair, they too should have their hair pulled back.

4. Stretching & Flexibility

To excel in ballet, flexibility is important as this allows a dancer to achieve certain positions more easily. The instructor will take you through a range of stretches. Pay attention to the instructor and never overdo anything as it can hurt you.

Watch your child’s progress over time and have fun as a family. Enjoy and appreciate every moment. This is a journey you are all sharing. Imagine your child performing and watching them sail across the stage…prouder parents you could not be!
