7 Safety Benefits of Wearing Motorcycle Gear

Realistically, we all know that if you ride a motorcycle, if you crash, you want to be wearing durable protective gear that will minimize injuries. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t think they’ll ever go down, or don’t see the need for protective gear, or think it’s too bulky to be comfortable. Fortunately, rider protection technology has improved a lot in the last several years; a rider doesn’t have to buy leather if it’s not in his or her budget. There are a lot of other options now. Keep reading to learn seven reasons why you should buy and always wear protective gear each and every time you ride.
1. Protect Yourself in a Crash
This is and always will be the number one reason to wear protective gear, and it’s usually the only reason riders think when they are buying gear. Of course, crash protection is the priority, but there are several other reasons. As always, though, the pavement is a vicious thing, and jeans and a t-shirt won’t protect you at all from leaving your skin on the pavement if you crash. If your goal is to ride as much, as often, and for as long as possible, always dress for the crash.
2. Ride Comfortably in Inclement Weather
Unfortunately, not everyone lives in an area where it’s nice weather year-round, so you will need to have some decent wet- and cold-weather gear. If it’s cold out and you start to go hypothermic, your ability to make good decisions goes down. If you don’t have the money for multi-season gear, at least buy a windproof shell. If you do have the money, good electric gear is worth what it costs to keep your core warm. Good insulated gloves are also a worthwhile investment.
It can be a lot of fun to ride in the rain, as long as you have the right rain gear. A decent rain suit and waterproof gloves will make the ride much more enjoyable, and allow you to focus on the scenery. As always, make sure your rain gear is brightly coloured so that other drivers can see you in reduced visibility.
3. Better Grip on Pavement
If you wear running shoes or sneakers when you ride, you should rethink your options. It’s not hard to drop a bike if your foot slips out from under you. Motorcycle boots designed with grippy soles will stop that from happening, and the ankle support can help protect your ankles if you ever have to catch your bike. Good riding boots also protect your feet and ankles from flying debris.
4. Protect Your Skin from the Sun
All-day rides are a lot more enjoyable when you don’t come home with a huge sunburn. Another benefit of warm-weather gear is to control the airflow over the surface of your body, which will help control how hot you get. Just don’t forget to apply sunscreen to the areas not covered by your gear, lis the back of your neck.
5. Be Seen
Black leather is the old standby for motorcycle gear, but one of the primary tasks of any rider is to avoid being hit by a driver who doesn’t see the bike or rider. It’s important to be visible day and night. Yes, brightly coloured gear is an option, but if you wear all black, get a colourful helmet, and whenever possible, buy stuff that has reflective material sewn into it.
6. Better Use of Controls
Gloves give you better grip on whatever you’re holding. This applies to the controls on your bike. Furthermore, gloves give you consistent control on the levers, regardless of how much your hands might sweat. Gloves also help keep your hands warm on cooler days.
7. See the Road
Have you ever had a bug or rock fly into your neck when riding? Imagine if that was your eyes. Even without things flying at your head at high speeds, your eyes are always vulnerable to the wind at highway speeds. This makes it difficult to see, and sunglasses that don’t form a seal around your eyes aren’t any help. The eye protection provided by a full-face helmet is always your best option.