8 Tips To Ensure You Won’t Get Locked Out Of Your Car Again

One of the worst things about owning a car is when you forget your keys inside and lock yourself out of it. A locksmith can always come to your rescue, but wouldn’t it be great to just never lock yourself out of your car ever again? These 8 tips might help.
1. Establish your car door locking routine
To avoid locking yourself out of your car, establish your own car door locking routine. What does this mean? It means you should make sure to always lock the door of your car the same way, and return your keys to your pocket, your purse or your bag as soon as you are done.
2. Get a lanyard to keep your keys around your neck
If there is no room for your car keys in your pocket or in your purse, you could purchase a lanyard to help you keep your keys with you at all times. As soon as you get your keys out of the ignition, put the lanyard around your neck.
3. Use a carabiner to attach your keys to your bag
If you don’t like lanyards, a carabiner could do the trick. Make it a habit to attach the carabiner holding your keys to your purse or to a belt loop as soon as you stop your car. This way, your keys and you will get out of your car together.
4. Keep a copy of your car key in your wallet or purse
Another option is to ask a locksmith to cut a copy of your car key for you. Keep this spare key in your wallet or in your purse. This way, if you forget your keys inside your car, you will have a spare one on you.
5. Keep a spare key hidden somewhere on your car
You could also keep a spare key hidden inside a small magnetic box that you could place somewhere on your car. This might be a bit more risky since someone could find your spare key, but if you know you won’t be able to keep one on you at all times, this could be a solution.
6. Stop using your car key
Another option is to stop using your car key. This doesn’t mean you should never lock your doors, but simply that you should always use your clicker instead of your key to lock your door. If you want to press the button to lock the door, you need to have the clicker on you.
7. Use an app to lock and unlock your doors
If you love technology, maybe you could use an app to lock and unlock your doors, instead of your key or your clicker. This way, as long as you don’t forget your phone inside your car, you should be fine.
8. Join an automobile club
Finally, if all these tips are not working for you, you could join an automobile club. They won’t prevent you from accidentally locking yourself out of your car, but they will send a locksmith to your rescue with no fee as soon as you call them.